When you’re applying for a loan, you want answers right away so you can move forward in funding your next project. At Pacific Global Trust Bank, we make it work. Our local decision-making process allows for timely answers and quick turnarounds on your loan requests. We offer a wide variety of credit services to help your company meet its credit needs. Most importantly, we take a personal interest in your business venture, which helps us in evaluating the products that are best suited to fit your needs. Our business credit services include, but are not limited to, the following types of loans:
Revolving Lines of Credit
A revolving line of credit allows you to borrow up to a predetermined limit any time during the commitment period. Credit can be used to fund accounts receivable, purchase additional inventory, or any other short-term capital needs. Interest applies only to the amount you borrow.
Term Loans
A term loan allows you to extend payments over a period of years to meet intermediate or long-term financial requirements. Typical uses of such loans are equipment purchases, plant or building expansion, acquisitions, real estate financing, or any other projects that require long-term financing. The period of repayment is generally determined by the economic life of the collateral involved, repayment ability of the company, and the needs of the client.
Commercial Real Estate Loans
Commercial real estate loans provide both construction and permanent financing to builders, developers, and investors in commercial and residential investment real estate properties. Our commercial real estate lending opportunities include loans for:
Gauranty Bank Corporation makes accessing and growing your money easy to understand and easy to accomplish. Our personal bankers are there to help you with your checking, savings, and personal loan needs and to make sure all of your finances are working hard for you. However you like to work, we can make it happen.